08 August 2011


By John B. Juat

Your hazelnut eyes and killer smile
Make my heart melt and be a man of wile
Your hair black as a moonless night
I can’t resist you, I won’t give up this fight

Never in my life have I felt this way
I wish that in each other’s arms we’ll forever stay
I hope that we’ll never have to be apart
I’ll give you everything, my mind, soul and my heart

Why do you do this to me my dear?
I am terribly confused, I am filled with much fear
Should I fight for our love, or should I now flee
Before my emotions drown in this violent sea?

I love you so much, I cannot just let you go
But my heart dictates it cannot be so
For God called me to be alone when serving Him
I don’t know what to do. I’m lost. My life is dim

I’m sure it hurts you, but it actually kills me
Knowing that together we can never be
Its over between us, I have no choice
But i can no longer resist His lovable voice

Goodbye to you, my dear,
But God calls me, I hear

07 August 2011


By: John B. Juat

Look at yourself in the mirror, woman, who do you see?
Do you see your face filled with greatness and beauty?
You were made for something great; you were made to be free
You were made with so much worth and so much dignity

You, woman, are a precious gift; never put it to waste
There is no need to rush things, no need to make haste
Appreciate your greatness and beauty; always be chaste
And God will reward you; good things in life you’ll be able to taste

Take care of this greatness, woman, take care of your body
Never give your dignity in exchange for fame or money
Remember that outside marriage, it’s best to say no and to flee
Rather than risking desecration of your temple of beauty

Do not listen to the lies that contraceptives give you power
"Sexual Liberation" reduces your worth and makes you lower
Do not ever forget your worth, you were made for something better
Because nothing can ever compare to the greatness of being a mother

Listen, woman, you were made for something great
In marriage, God gives you the power to procreate
Accept children lovingly; they are not things you should hate
Because true joy will be felt when in God’s plans you cooperate

No matter how handsome, rich, kind, responsible or smart
No man can ever satisfy the deepest desires of your heart
Every single day of your life, be sure to make God an essential part
Only God can complete you; He who thought of you from the start

Look at yourself in the mirror, woman, who do you see?
Do you see your face filled with greatness and beauty?
God made you for something great; you were made to be free
God made you with so much worth and so much dignity