01 August 2016

Who Am I, Lord?

Who Am I, Lord?
By: John B. Juat

Who am I, Lord, that you have called me?
Your creature that is sinful, weak and lowly
Am I capable to minister to the Church, your family?
Can I efficiently shepherd your flock? I feel unworthy

Who am I, Lord, that you have called me Son?
I have been unfaithful, evil things I have done
Yet you tirelessly seek me, and then to me you run
Then embrace me no matter how far from you i’ve gone

Who am I, Lord, that you’ve shown me mercy?
Despite my ungrateful heart and my iniquity
Why did you choose to suffer and die in Calvary?
Am I really worth redeeming? What’s so great about me?

Who am I, Lord, that you have called me friend?
Despite the countless times your heart I offend
Who am I that my body is a temple of the Spirit You sent
The Paraclete, the Helper who’ll guide me ‘til the end

Who am I, Lord, that you desire with me one-flesh union
As You give your body, blood, soul and divinity in Communion?
Who am I, that you love me with intense passion
And always hear my prayers and provides for my supplication?

Who am I, Lord, that you’ve given me great dignity?
From your own image and likeness, you formed me.
Who am I, that my end is to be with You for eternity?
Participating in the overflowing love of the Trinity

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